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Output 3 - Guide on quality internships for host organizations

The guide for implementation process of quality internships for host organization is available !
It is possible to download it in English, French, Slovene, Italian and German.

The aim of this guide is to empower stakeholders not only with the necessary information about criteria for quality internships, but also with its concrete application into your organization.

Final event : Quality internships - Political Context and Progress

The SPRINT final event : Quality internships - Political Context and Progress was organised online by InternsGoPro on November 3rd, 2020

This event was aimed at administrative staff of Higher Education Institutions, Youth NGOs, Trade Unions, host organizations and all organization/people interested by the latest development of the internship issue.

Staff training on quality internships and Higher Education Institutions

A staff training on quality internships and Higher Education Institutions was organised online by University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 on
October 15-16, 2020.

This training was aimed at administrative staff of Higher Education Institutions, and especially the staff in charge of the management of students’ internships and international offices.
