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E1: Kick-off meeting of CEN workshop


The kick-off meeting of the CEN workshop was the formal launch of the workshop on European Quality Framework for Internships.

This event was held on November, 9th 2018 from 9:30 to 13:00 at CEN / CENELEC Management Centre in Brussels.
The following participants attended this meeting:

                                                        participants 1.png  

participants 2.pngIMG_1284.JPG

The main points of the agenda were the following:

1. Opening of the meeting
2. Roll call of participants
3. Adoption of the agenda
4. Introduction on CEN workshop concept
5. General presentation of the workshop : Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3
6. Stakeholders point of view on internships
7. Election and appointment of workshop chair / confirmation of the secretariat
8. Project plan (chairman and secretary)
    - Discussion and review of comments received
    - Adoption of the project plan
9. Organization of the technical work (chairman and secretary)
10. Any other business
11. Next meeting, future actions and their assignment (secretary)
12. Closure of the meeting

The participants wishing to continue contributing to the development of the draft CWAs are requested to officially register to the workshop: here