17 Piazzale della Vittoria
47121 Forli
Paola Saini: paola@uniser.net
Uniser designs, develops and manages learning mobility projects as a fundamental element for the growth of European citizens and for the development of our territories. In cooperation with schools, VET centers, universities, enterprises and NGOs, the cooperative delivers incoming and outgoing mobility opportunities (internships, study visits and volunteering) to thousands users per year.
Based on their needs, Uniser supports public and private organizations to structure their Erasmus+ projects in all the phases of the project’s cycle. Uniser manages VET mobility project defining the destinations, coordinating European partners and organising all-inclusive VET training experiences in Italy through its network of hosting companies.
Concerning HE, Uniser cooperates with the University of Bologna and offers a tailor made guidance service to students searching for international placements within the frame of Erasmus for Trainesheep action.A guidance service is also provided by Uniser to European Citizen searching for working opportunities abroad, through “Your First Eures Job” and “Reactivate” Programmes, aiming at boosting labor mobility in Europe.
To be at the forefront of delivering mobility services, the cooperative's R&D department works for developing innovation. An important research field concerns how to guarantee the quality of the placements offered by the companies involved in hosting foreign students all around Europe. Within the SPRINT partnership the cooperative is further investing in this direction.