11, avenue Francis de Pressence
93571 Saint-Denis la Plaine
Marie-Emmanuelle Crozet : marieemmanuelle.crozet@afnor.org
The AFNOR Association and its subsidiaries form an international group, which works to serve the general interest and foster economic development. The Group designs and deploys solutions based on voluntary standards that are the basis of trust and progress. The AFNOR Group is organised into four core areas of expertise: standardisation, certification, the publication of technical and professional information solutions and services, and training. Managed by Olivier Peyrat, the AFNOR Group employs more than 1,200 people in 12 regional delegations in France and 40 establishments worldwide. On the international stage, the Group offers its certification and training services in more than 100 countries. Today, more than 70,000 customers place their trust in AFNOR.